What is a Cambridge Certificate?

With a Cambridge exam you can obtain a special Cambridge certificate and we are happy to prepare you with our Cambridge Basel course in our language schools ILS Bern, ILS Aarau, ILS Solothurn, ILS Zürich or ILS Basel prepare for it. Each exam tests a specific level of English. The exam consists of five parts: English reading, the use and application of English, English writing, English listening comprehension and English speaking. With the Cambridge Certificate you can prove that you have mastered the English language to a certain level.

This could, for example, be a prerequisite for completing a certain training course, applying for a job with an international company, opening the door to your desired degree course or realising your dream of studying abroad. Let us work together, with our ILS Cambridge Basel Course reach your goal.

The European language levels 

You probably already know them, the European language levels A1 to C2. Each individual speaks languages at a different level. This applies to German and English but also to foreign languages such as Italian, French and Spanish. These language levels and the language certificates are a tool for grouping speakers of a language according to their level.

The European language levels consist of a six-level scale for the different components of language acquisition: understanding, speaking and writing. These levels are used in secondary schools and in various language courses, including, for example, in our language schools. ILS Bern, ILS Aarau, ILS Solothurn, ILS Zürich or ILS Basel and the Cambridge Basel used.

  • A1: Beginners
  • A2: Beginner +
  • B1: Preliminary level
  • B2: Advanced
  • C1: Extended
  • C2: Close to the mother tongue

With language level A1 you are therefore a beginner in the respective language and with language level C2 you have mastered the same language level as a native speaker at an academic level. In our ILS Cambridge Basel course you can get more information about this.

Join our ILS Cambridge Basel course

Are you currently preparing for a Cambridge exam and want to achieve a good result? Do you want to move abroad or work in an international company and you were given a Cambridge certificate to present? Or do you simply want to improve your learn English to the next level? Then you have come to the right place with our ILS Cambridge Basel Course is just right for you! With our ILS Cambridge Basel English course you not only work towards a high level of proficiency, but also focus on obtaining a certificate to prove that you have actually mastered this level.